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The KIPPelora Story (Kitchen in the Park Project)

Community Connects

Back in 2008 an idea to build a community oven came from the inspiration of a kiln that was in shambles at the Elora Pottery property. What to do with 2000 firebricks? A pitch to the Township of Centre Wellington backed by over 50 community members to build a wood burning oven came alive. 


After many years of fundraising over $14,000 through the most interesting initiatives: a sewing circle which created over $4000 in what were know as 'kipp cuffs'. A benefit concert with Kevin Breit. A scrap metal collection. A Bunwich breakfast with donations of all the breakfast items by area farms. We also secured a $5000 donation from the Elora Lions Service Club. We were able to build the oven finally in the summer of 2011 and our first bake was creating pretzels. We continue fundraising through our bakes.

There is always something to save up for!

Our build was truly a community gift with trade donating their time and energy, while securing a fabulous design and site with guidance of Lee Elkas. Our brain storming team for our not for profit were as follows:

Lee Elkas, Staci Barron, Stephanie Toohill, Karen Welch(RIP),

Melissa Watkins, Trish Van Katwyk, Kevin Breit and Gwen Swick.

The founders for this project were Staci Barron and Trish Van Katwyk (2008).

Board Members 2024


Doug MacPherson President
Bake Co-ordinator
Site Maintenance

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Chris Jess
Oven Master
Food Co-ordinator

Staci Barron 
Volunteer Co-ordinator

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much- Helen Keller

© 2018 by Staci Barron.

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